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For fraud or material misrepresentation in the presentation of a claim, the company may only deny , but may have grounds for cancellation under the statutory provisions of Title 8, § 4223. System For Electronic Rate And Form Filing (SERFF) Public Information Kiosk Filings can also be reviewed by using the computer kiosk located at the Commission’s Office, 900 Pennsylvania Avenue in Charleston, WV. SERFF Tracking #: NCCI-132044587 State Tracking #: Company Tracking #: E-1406 State: District of Columbia Filing Company: National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc. TOI/Sub-TOI: 16.0 Workers Compensation/16.0004 Standard WC Product Name: E-1406 Revisions to the ERM-14 Form and Rule 3-A in the Experience Rating Plan Manual Project Name Department of Vermont Health Access. 280 State Drive Waterbury, Vermont 05671-1010 Phone: 802-879-5900 Fax: 802-241-0260. Department Contact List for customer service, program telephone and fax numbers, and staff email SERFF Tracking #: NCCI-132378588 State Tracking #: Company Tracking #: E-1407 State: District of Columbia Filing Company: National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc. TOI/Sub-TOI: 16.0 Workers Compensation/16.0004 Standard WC Product Name: E-1407 Exclusion of COVID-19 Claims from Experience Rating and Merit Rating Project Name/Number: / SERFF Tracking #: BNIC-131413070 State Tracking #: Company Tracking #: FIN- DO-2018-5305-FM-DC- 27303 filed on May 5th, 2020 2020-04-24 · SERFF Tracking #: INCR-132352506 State Tracking #: EFT OK / Company Tracking #: B-1441 State: Indiana Filing Company: Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau TOI/Sub-TOI: 16.0 Workers Compensation/16.0002 Employers Liability WC Product Name: B-1441 Project Name/Number: Revisions to NCCI Manual Rules Related to the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic/B-1441 SERFF Tr Num: XLAM-131857512 SERFF Status: Closed-FILED FOR INFORMATION Project Name: XCU 455 VT UM/UIM Revised Endorsement Status of Filing in Domicile: Read Section 21-020-016-5 - General Filing Rules, 21-020-016 Vt. Code R. § 5, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext’s comprehensive legal database 2020-05-11 · Forms and Binders due May 11, 2020. Rates due June 29, 2020. If you have any questions, please contact the Rate & Forms Division at (304) 558-2094.

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Please wait Password Reset. User Name: 2020-06-05 · SERFF Tracking #: INCR-132389805 State Tracking #: EFT OK / Company Tracking #: E-1407 State: Indiana Filing Company: Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau TOI/Sub-TOI: 16.0 Workers Compensation/16.0002 Employers Liability WC Product Name: E-1407 Project Name/Number: Exclusion of Covid-19 Claims from Experience Rating & Merit Rating/E-1407 2019-06-07 · SERFF Tracking #: INCR-131968624 State Tracking #: EFT OK / Company Tracking #: R-1417 State: Indiana Filing Company: Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau TOI/Sub-TOI: 16.0 Workers Compensation/16.0002 Employers Liability WC Product Name: R-1417 SERFF: State Message Received from Vermont 03/27/2020. Calculation of Commercial Lines Premiums During Mandatory Closures Due to COVID-19 03/ 20/  Reviewed and provided feedback on updated Project Schedule. – Received and began review of D-39: SERFF Interface Control Document.

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SERFF Tracking #: MVPH-132497714 State Tracking #: Company Tracking #: State: VermontGMCB Filing Company: MVP Health Plan, Inc. TOI/Sub-TOI: HOrg02G Group Health Organizations - Health Maintenance (HMO)/HOrg02G.003B Large Group Only - POS VT SG HIC GF Q1 & Q2 2018 Rate Filing SERFF.xlsx VT SG HIC GF Q1 & Q2 2018 Rate Filing SERFF.pdf Utilization Data VT 1Q 2Q 2018 SERFF.xlsx Utilization Data VT 1Q 2Q 2018 SERFF.pdf Rolling 12 Medical and Rx Data - SG HDHP.xlsx Rolling 12 Medical and Rx Data - SG HDHP.pdf Impact of Membership Growth_Decline on Experience Pd Claims.xlsx Attachment VT LG HIC Q3 & Q4 2016 Rate Filing(Exclude 51-100) SERFF.xlsx is not a PDF document and cannot be reproduced here. SERFF Tracking #: MVPH-130454426 State Tracking #: Company Tracking #: State: VermontGMCB Filing Company: MVP Health Insurance Company TOI/Sub-TOI: H16G Group Health - Major Medical/H16G.002A Large Group Only - PPO SERFF property and casualty form filing instructions (PDF , 27KB) SERFF property and casualty rate rule general instructions (PDF, 41KB) SERFF motor vehicle service contracts general filing instructions (PDF , 24KB) Personal insurance scoring model general filing instructions (PDF, 36KB) For title insurance SERFF Website. For additional information about SERFF, including state participation details and how to sign up, visit

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□ HBE Testing. Only data available through the SERFF were included in the SBE PUF. The SBE states Vermont 2016 PUF (ZIP); Washington Exchange: Washington 2016  22 Aug 2019 E-1406 Revisions to the ERM-14 Form and Rule 3-A in the Experience Rating Plan Manual. Project Name/Number: /. PDF Pipeline for SERFF  11 Feb 2021 PDF Pipeline for SERFF Tracking Number META-132716779 Generated 04/11/ 2021 07:46 PM Company, LLC on behalf of the VT III PLUS.

Använd din e-postadress som användarnamn och skriv därefter in ditt lösenord i nästa fält. (Om du inte har en SÄRF-mail så ange RT1 och tecknet \ före din signatur vid inloggning. 89 Main Street, Montpelier, VT 05620 - 3101.
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Instructions - Forms - SERFF LD Form Filing General Instructions (Word, 73.84 KB) 2021 NAIC Life, Accident & Health, Annuity and Credit Product Coding Matrix (PDF, 474.94 KB) SERFF Tr Num: NCCI-132099789 SERFF Status: Assigned State Tr Num: S672692 State Status: AS-Assigned To Technician Co Tr Num: B-1439 Effective Date Requested (New): 07/01/2021 Effective Date Requested (Renewal): 07/01/2021 Author(s): Lesley O'Brien, Frank Gnolfo, Kevin Ott, Whitney Quailey Reviewer(s): Nicole Elliott (primary), David Trautman 2020-01-07 2011-09-01 VT - 25% SRM.pdf SERFF Tracking #: GRTC-132535075 State Tracking #: Company Tracking #: EPL RATE FILING 07-20 State: District of Columbia Filing Company: Great American Insurance Company TOI/Sub-TOI: 17.2 Other Liability-Claims Made Only/17.2010 Employment Practices Liability Product Name: EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES LIABILITY Please also refer to the SERFF Supporting Documentation Tab for additional requirements. 148 Vt. 110 (1987). For fraud or material misrepresentation in the presentation of a claim, the company may only deny , but may have grounds for cancellation under the statutory provisions of Title Department of Vermont Health Access.

If you experience technical difficulties with the SERFF, please direct your questions to the SERFF Help Desk at 816-783-8990 or by email: .

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We are pleased to provide you an alternative method for viewing Rate and Form Filings electronically.You can contact our West Virginia Office of the Insurance Commissioner's (WVOIC) Rates and Forms Office at (304) 558-2094. Please enter a user name. User Name: Please enter a password. Password: Forgot Your Password? Password must be no less than 12 characters and must include characters from three of the following categories: - Uppercase letters. - Lowercase letters. about the system for electronic rates & forms filing (serff) SERFF represents the state-of-the art for insurers and regulators seeking efficient operations.

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Läkare Med Specialistkompetens - Psykiatri Centrum Göteborg Serff. SPF - Svenska Psykiatriska Föreningen. NAIC Central Office 1100 Walnut St. Suite 1500 Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: (816) 842-3600 Fax: (816) 783-8175 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST) Monday - Friday SERFF The department utilizes the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing (SERFF) in the review of insurance filings. SERFF offers access to the public to view non-confidential filings. Montpelier, Vermont 05620 Re: Solvency Impact of “2021 Vermont Individual and Small Group Rate Filing (SERFF # BCVT-132371410)” of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont Dear Chair Mullin: The Department of Financial Regulation (“DFR”) respectfully submits the following NAIC Central Office 1100 Walnut St. Suite 1500 Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: (816) 842-3600 Fax: (816) 783-8175 8 a.m.

26018 P & C Vermont Mut Ins Co. $. 14 May 2018 PDF Pipeline for SERFF Tracking Number HNOR-131466265 Generated 47- 1686283.