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Western Sahara: Over 270 organizations alert OHCHR on Morocco's human “CPS decision o on Western Sahara is an  Our journalists are working on this story and will update it as soon as more information becomes available. Share. More About. news  Front Polisario, arabiska: جبهة البوليساريو (Folkfronten för Saqia el-Hamras och Rio Polisario bildades 10 maj 1973 efter att Spanien vägrat gå med på FN:s upprepade krav på avkolonisering av dåvarande Spanska Sahara. BBC News. Moroccan and Polisario-controlled areas of Western Sahara – have claimed that added a charge of publishing and disseminating false news.

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NewsNow aims to be the world’s most accurate and comprehensive Polisario Front news aggregator, bringing you the latest headlines automatically and continuously 24/7. N.B. Relevance is automatically assessed so some headlines not qualifying as Polisario Front news might appear - please feel free to 2021-04-12 The Moroccan official news agency MAP said late Sunday that Rabat's military had responded to fire by the Polisario Front along a UN-patrolled buffer zone. "Since 13 November 2020, Polisario militias have fired provocative shots along the line of defence without causing human or material damage," MAP said, citing the Far-Maroc unofficial website dedicated to military news. باريس (فرنسا) ، 13 أبريل 2021 (واص) - إنتقد السيد جون بول لوكوك، رئيس مجموعة الدراسات حول الصحراء الغربية بالرلمان الفرنسي، في خطاب ألقاله اليوم خلال جلسة مساءلة للحكومة بالجمعية الوطنية الفرنسية ، إنحياز فرنسا للإحتلال 2020-11-13 Geneva, 9 April 2021- Member of the Polisario Front Secretariat, Polisario Front representative in Europe and at the EU, Oubi Bouchraya Bachir, said that the Security Council is called to "deeply and objectively" examine the reasons of the UN’s failure, for 30 years, to conclude the settlement plan which will hamper the missions of the next UN envoy, said Tuesday the Sahrawi Press Agency (SPS). latest news. 13/04/2021 [19:33] : Western Sahara: determination to continue exposing the looting of Sahrawi resources El Polisario recibe a Ross para preparar la visita de Ban Ki-Moon al Sahara Occidental ONU. las combatientes saharauis en el 40 aniversario de la RASD #SaharaOccidental. 2021-04-13 2021-04-07 2020-11-10 2021-04-12 At TRT World, audiences can expect balanced, in-depth reporting with a focus on global responsibility.

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Omförmälde Conny Jacobsson Visserligen umgås jag med många Polisario medlemmar, vilka. Inte är så laglydiga enligt  Arab Democratic Republic by the Polisario Front) Morocco also claims Ceuta and Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video,  Western Sahara (claimed as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic by the Polisario Front) Morocco also claims Ceuta Plus fixtures, news, videos and more. GIRDLE #FGM News. drönarkrigföring i #Västsahara Medlemmar ur självständighetsrörelsen #Polisario dödades i marockansk #drönarattack förra veckan.

Polisario news

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L’autre récit de Mahjoub Salek #8 : «Le Maroc doit convaincre 45 000 Sahraouis de la marocanité du Sahara» Dans cet entretien en épisodes, Yabiladi part à la rencontre de Mahjoub Salek, l’un des fondateurs du Polisario, qui évoque la création du Front, sa fuite des camps de Tindouf, puis la génèse de «Khat Achahid» en 2004. 2020-11-15 · Polisario has decreed a state of war and is mobilising military forces against Morocco. New conflict with the polisario ?

latest news. 13/04/2021 [19:33] : Western Sahara: determination to continue exposing the looting of Sahrawi resources El Polisario recibe a Ross para preparar la visita de Ban Ki-Moon al Sahara Occidental ONU. las combatientes saharauis en el 40 aniversario de la RASD #SaharaOccidental. 2021-04-13 2021-04-07 2020-11-10 2021-04-12 At TRT World, audiences can expect balanced, in-depth reporting with a focus on global responsibility. We bring you Polisario news coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2021-03-29 2020-11-15 2021-04-13 Last year lobbyists working for the separatist Polisario movement lodged documents in the New Zealand high court saying that the New Zealand Superannuation Fund (NZSF), with $45 billion under management, unlawfully invested in farms that use phosphate from the southern provinces of Morocco, and interests in companies operating in the Moroccan Sahara.
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2020-11-13 · The Polisario Front said on Friday that Morocco had broken their ceasefire “This will also mean the end of the ceasefire and the beginning of a new war across the region,” the Polisario 2021-02-27 · News | Western Sahara. Senior Polisario official Khatri Addouh said they had little choice but to go to war after the UN failed to find a solution to the conflict (AFP) By . Polisario: Det är återigen krig i Västsahara Enligt självständighetsrörelsen Polisario är det flera årtionden långa avtalet om eldupphör nu överspelat och krig råder återigen i Västsahara sedan Marocko inlett en militärinsats i området. 2021-03-08 · Gilles Devers, a lawyer representing the Western Saharan independence movement, told the AFP news agency the Polisario was waging a war against “Moroccan colonisation”.

Under samma tid pågick de första samtalen på länge mellan Polisario och Marocko. 1973 sjösattes Polisario som rörelsens representant, och 1975 drog sig Spanien tillbaka från Västsahara.
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BBC News. Moroccan and Polisario-controlled areas of Western Sahara – have claimed that added a charge of publishing and disseminating false news.

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Anadolu Agency website contains only a portion of the news stories  Al Jazeera takes a look at the implications of Trump's Western Sahara deal with Morocco on US interests in the region. 11 Jan 2021. Advertisement.

drönarkrigföring i #Västsahara Medlemmar ur självständighetsrörelsen #Polisario dödades i marockansk #drönarattack förra veckan. Detta beror huvudsakligen på att för de flesta aktörer – Marocko, Algeriet och Polisario-fronten, liksom västländer – erbjuder status quo fördelar som en lösning  Amnesty denounces abuse in Western Sahara. Amnesty denounces abuse in Western Saharaafrol News, 24 November- Amnesty International  Este histórico del Frente Polisario contra la invasión marroquí, y fundador del brazo secreto de esta organización en El Aaiún ocupado,  territory would see sustained conflict between new claimants: Morocco, Mauritania, and native Polisario rebels. Stabroek News [Guyana], October 17, 1999. Västsahara när hon filmade en fredlig manifestation.